Bloom Where You’re Planted: Finding Joy in Difficult Times

Bloom Where You’re Planted: Finding Joy in Difficult Times

Hello there! Today, I want to chat about something that’s been on my mind a lot lately—how we can find joy even when life feels like it’s throwing us curveballs. We’ve all had those moments when nothing seems to go right, and the weight of the world feels just too heavy. But what if I told you that you could still bloom where you're planted, no matter how rocky the soil might be?

Embracing the Rocky Soil

I remember a time not too long ago (well, it feels not long ago) when my family and I were going through a particularly rough patch. It felt like every day brought a new challenge—work stress, health issues, financial worries—you name it. We had so much going on that I didn’t even really allow myself any down time to just rest. One of the girls said, “Let’s just watch a movie”. I thought of all the things that I still needed to do and realized that even if they didn’t get done right now, or tonight, it wouldn’t really be the end of the world. So, I pushed all the “things” aside, grabbed a blanket, and snuggled up with 2 young ladies that just wanted some time with Mom. That simple moment reminded me that joy isn't something that happens to us; it's something we create. Even in the midst of chaos, there's always room for being together.

Finding Your Sunshine Moments

So how do we find these sunshine moments? It’s about shifting our perspective. Instead of focusing on what's going wrong, let’s celebrate what's going right—even if it's something as small as your morning coffee being just the right temperature or getting an unexpected hug from your little one. (But also, please allow yourself time to process things and sit in your feelings. It’s the only way to heal these things. But, we must also move through them.)

  • Shift Your Focus: Actively seek out and appreciate small joys. Buy a new book. Enjoy a cup of coffee in the quiet. (Or the loudness).  
  • Celebrate the Little Things: These moments can change your entire outlook. Got a shower today? Woo hoo! Cleaned up the kitchen? Rock on, Mama!

When life gets tough, it’s easy to get caught up in negative thoughts. But by appreciating small joys, we can transform our mindset. 

Creating Meaningful Connections

One thing that's helped my family immensely is making time for each other. In today's fast-paced world, it's so easy to get lost in our individual screens and schedules. But taking even just 15 minutes to connect—whether it's through a quick game night or sharing stories over dinner—can make all the difference. I am a HUGE fan of family dinners. In our house, if you’re home at dinnertime, you’re at the table. Had a late lunch and not hungry? Perfect…grab a glass of water and pull up a chair.

I remember when my younger daughter was in weekly speech therapy, at 5pm. We’d make those trips fun by popping through a drive thru (don’t judge, it was one day a week) and grab dinner and have a “car picnic”. 

  • Impromptu Picnics: Create spontaneous moments of joy.
  • Family Time: Set aside time for shared activities, no matter how small. Intentional weekly family time is a gift your family will cherish.  
  • Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Memories

It's amazing how the simplest activities can turn into cherished memories. When was the last time you turned off your phone and just enjoyed being present with your loved ones? Maybe you have a favorite board game gathering dust on the shelf or some old family recipes waiting to be cooked up together.

  • Unplug and Be Present: Make time for distraction-free moments with family.
  • Make Memories: Turn ordinary activities into something special.

Practicing Gratitude Together

Gratitude has this magical way of turning what we have into enough—and more often than not, into something beautiful. 

  • Daily Gratitude: Share three things you’re grateful for each day.
    • Teach Appreciation: This practice helps end the day on a positive note and teaches kids the importance of appreciation.

    This practice not only helps us end our days on a positive note but also teaches our kids the importance of appreciation. Consider a gratitude jar for your family to share their daily joys.

    Building Resilience Through Shared Experiences

    Life isn't always going to be smooth sailing—that's just reality. But facing challenges together makes us stronger as individuals and as a family unit.

    • Shared Challenges: Overcoming obstacles together strengthens family bonds.
    • Resilience: The strength gained from these experiences is invaluable.

    I remember a particularly rough admission for our younger daughter. Our older daughter wasn’t old enough to visit inpatient yet. We’d been apart for at least a week.  We ordered food and the patient and I went to the cafeteria and met her big sister and Dad for dinner. We had our own little dinner party right there in the hospital cafeteria. The clinics were closed. The cafeteria was relatively quiet and we enjoyed some time together.

    Spreading Joy Beyond Your Home

    Finding joy isn't just about keeping it within your four walls; it's also about spreading it outwardly. Acts of kindness—whether random or intentional—have this incredible ripple effect that can brighten someone else's day while lifting your own spirits too.

    • Acts of Kindness: Spread joy by giving to others, whether through small acts or larger gestures.
    • Community Joy: Share joy with neighbors or those in need.

    A number of years ago, we started using looms to knit hats for NICU babies. What made this so special is that I have several hats from when each of the girls were in the NICU. We included some handwritten notes encouraging these sweet families. I think this gesture was so special because we had such a vast amount of experience with the NICU journey.

    Conclusion: Choosing Joy Every Day

    At its core, blooming where you're planted means choosing joy every single day regardless of the circumstances surrounding you—it’s about making conscious efforts toward happiness despite adversities thrown your way. Ultimately, happiness is less dependent on external conditions and more reliant upon internal decisions, attitudes, and perspectives maintained throughout the journey called life!

    So next time life throws a curveball, remember to choose to bloom amidst rocky soil, cherish sunshine moments, build meaningful connections, turn ordinary momets into extraordinary memories, practice gratitude, build resilience, and share joy beyond your home. Above all else, choose joy every single day—you deserve nothing less!

    Until next time, stay joyful and keep blooming! Visit our shop for products that can help you create and cherish these joyful moments.
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